Is it possible to edit the terrain using vector data
Global Mapper User
Hello everyone,
I need to know, Is there any option to edit the terrain in GM v17 using vector data. I need to create hydrologically adjusted DEM for the purpose of creating flood inundation model. For which I have to edit, delete and modify the terrain features (ex. bridges, underpasses etc) which acts as obstacles for water flow. I have vector data of the obstacles. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks & Regards,
Sandhya Mary
I need to know, Is there any option to edit the terrain in GM v17 using vector data. I need to create hydrologically adjusted DEM for the purpose of creating flood inundation model. For which I have to edit, delete and modify the terrain features (ex. bridges, underpasses etc) which acts as obstacles for water flow. I have vector data of the obstacles. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks & Regards,
Sandhya Mary
I have the same question with you, some one can help?
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