Applying same elevation colour scale to 3 different datasets
Global Mapper User
I have three sets of elevation data but when I switch each layer on they have different colour scales. Is there any way I can apply the same scale to all three datasets? As I want to be able to compare the datasets easily. I have tried adjusting the elevation legend range but it doesn't seem to adjust the colour in the dataset it just changes the legend.
I have three sets of elevation data but when I switch each layer on they have different colour scales. Is there any way I can apply the same scale to all three datasets? As I want to be able to compare the datasets easily. I have tried adjusting the elevation legend range but it doesn't seem to adjust the colour in the dataset it just changes the legend.
On the vertical options tab of the Global Mapper Configuration options, you can un-check the option to 'Color Elevations Based on Visible Elevation Values'. This will mean that the shader does not automatically re-scale when moving around the map, and will allow you to compare your elevation values in different grid files.
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