Importing, combining and cropping xyz elevation data
I am new to global mapper, but am looking for a way to import two xyz files (longitude, latitude, elevation), combine them to one xyz file and then crop it and export only a smaller selection of the combined file. How do I do this? Thankyou.
I am new to global mapper, but am looking for a way to import two xyz files (longitude, latitude, elevation), combine them to one xyz file and then crop it and export only a smaller selection of the combined file. How do I do this? Thankyou.
- Load both files into Global Mapper
- Export the data to an XYZ file. On the Export Options dialog, you can choose the bounds for the export by entering coordinates or drawing a box.
- If you need something more than a simple rectangle for your export bounds, then before you start the export, draw a polygon on the map and select it. When you select the export bounds, you can choose to use the selected polygon as the bounds.
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