Create void in a Terrain Grid
Global Mapper User
I have lidar data that I have used to create a Terrain Grid. I need to create an irregularly shaped "hole" in the data based on an Area-Feature that I have drawn.
It's easy enough to crop the Terrain Grid to what is inside the Area-Feature, but how can I do the opposite and create a hole in my data?
It's easy enough to crop the Terrain Grid to what is inside the Area-Feature, but how can I do the opposite and create a hole in my data?
Create an area around the entire layer, then add the piece that you want to crop out as an island in that area. Then select that area. You can crop to that feature, either just for the layer on the Cropping tab of the Options dialog (in the Control Center) or on export by cropping to the the selected area with the island.
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