Global Mapper v26.0

Web export of files with no coordinates

Hello, it's me again. I have to export some regular tifs with no coordinates, so I choose "fake coordinates" on import, but when i press "export web format", my image re-loads with different scale bar and looks like a white square. Moreover, when I click "save" and the export begins, Global Mapper tries to make ~300000 tiles out of it. When I try to do it by script (EXPORT_WEB) - the same problem. Version 14 does not have this issue, it just makes 12 tiles out of my image like it is supposed to. However, I cant use version 14 because it doesn't have EXPORT_WEB script command. What do I need to do to deal with this issue? Thank you.


  • bmg_bob
    bmg_bob Global Mapper Programmer
    What web format are you exporting to?

    In general, the web formats require that the exported data be georeferenced, and the fake coordinates are not adequate. The image reload that you are seeing is when Global Mapper reprojects your data into the required output projection before exporting.
  • I'm exporting to OSM.

    But why Global Mapper 14 does not reproject my data and output is still alright? I'm using similar export options in v14 and v16. Is there any way to make v16 do it the same way? I really need to get export done by script because my data is too massive to do it manually.
  • I have an addition. When I move my cursor in the lower left part of my picture, the coordinate indicator shows coordinates as usual, but when I move the cursor out of this area to somewhere else on the picture, indicator says "coordinate out of range". Apparently, when i press "export web format", Global Mapper "crops" my image to that lower-left square. But I still don't understand how to change it and why Global Mapper tries to make 300000 tiles.
  • bmg_bob
    bmg_bob Global Mapper Programmer
    Can you georeference the image? The 'fake coordinates' option loads the data as Geographic WGS84 with very oddball coordinates. It allows you to look at the data, but it can not be reprojected.
  • Honestly, I'm not familiar with the "Rectify" tool. I have attached the picture, and I see nothing wrong with it, but the problem still exists. What am I supposed to do and can I quickly do it to all my data?

    gm16.PNG 221.5K
  • bmg_mike
    bmg_mike Global Mapper Guru Moderator, Trusted User
    It looks like the faked position in v16 is creating an image covering much of the earth rather than the much smaller one in v14. I'll get you a new build of v16 that does what v14 does and also provides a default MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL value for the EXPORT_WEB command if you don't provide one.


    Global Mapper Guru
  • bmg_mike
    bmg_mike Global Mapper Guru Moderator, Trusted User
    I've completed the updates to make your faked position layers the same as in v14. Also the EXPORT_WEB command will choose a good MAX_ZOOM_LEVEL value if none is provided. I have placed new builds with the latest changes at for you to try.


    Global Mapper Guru