Error when importing elevation data in XML-format
I have recently been coming across a problem a number of times and so far could not find any thread or even anything closely related to the issue, so I am trying a post here. Should the problem have been solved elsewhere, I apologize and would appreciate a link.
Basically I am working with elevation data sets, which are provided by the Geospatial Information Society of Japan. They provide a nice set of elevation data, which can be downloaded from their servers and then be imported into GM directly. The data is usually provided as a ZIP-file, which contains XML-files for the different tiles. The problem is, that for some reason, some of the tiles show errors and do not show up in GM. The error message appears to be always the same and I don't know, what to make of it.
The error message is as follows:
Error loading C:\Users\(...)\FG-GML-5131-01-DEM5A\FG-GML-5131-01-35-DEM5A-20130702.xml
Incorrect number of values read from tuple list for DEM.
GMLTerrainOverlay.cpp - 80
Version: v16.0.5 (32-bit)
Build Time: Nov 18 2014 14:30:19
The problem of course being, that in some cases, the error pops up right into an area of interest.
I am not that familiar with this forum yet. If there is a way to upload a sample file, I'd be happy to do that.
Any suggestions? Thanks, Jakob
Jakob. You should be able to attach files, especially common image file types and pdf. Anything else, should probably be zipped up before uploading (I'm looking into enabling custom file type uploads). To upload, simply click on the little document icon that is directly to the right of the link icon. Do you see that on the comment editor?
I did see that options, but was not sure how to work. I am being prompted to enter a URL, which would indicate the data would need to be uploaded to some kind of online server. I did create a dropbox link and inserted it, so the data sets can be seen from there. Not sure if that is the intended use of this functionality.
Ok, so attached are two files of the same area package, one of which loads without any problems, and the other one which brings up the above error message. I would generally assume that this then has to be a problem with the data, but is there a way to fix this? -
No, I feel like that did not work. Here is the dropbox link. Mapper Sample
Sorry for apparently being too dumb to use the function as intended... -
No, you are not too dumb. I had to disable that plugin and re-enable it. You should be able to see it now (?)
I recommend getting the latest release of Global Mapper to see if the problem has already been fixed. If the problem persists in the latest release, then your best bet is to send an e-mail describing your workflow, your sample data, and the error message to Blue Marble Geographics support ( This will ensure that the support team sees the problem and can determine the solution. Thank you.
@PaulTocknell Yes, now it looks like it is working normally. Thanks.
@bmg_bob Ok, I will try to go that route. Thanks for the quick feedback. The problem did persist in previous versions and I couldn|t find anything on it, so I would be surprised if it had been solved in the meantime, but anyway, we will see. Thanks for now. -
Aquasoli, did you every figure this out? I'm experiencing the same warning with the same elevation data from Japan with Global Mapper 17.2. Also, some of the data is recognized as Geographic/Japan2000, while others need the projection specified upon import.
I don't know if this issue is specific to Japan .xml elevation files, but I did notice a problem with catalogs generated from Global Mapper 17.2.
I created catalogs in GM 16 and GM17 of the same data, and several images were incorrectly shifted when loaded into the viewer. This affected elevation mosaic exports.
The elevation catalogs created from GM16 displayed properly.
Discovery said:
I don't know if this issue is specific to Japan .xml elevation files, but I did notice a problem with catalogs generated from Global Mapper 17.2.
I created catalogs in GM 16 and GM17 of the same data, and several images were incorrectly shifted when loaded into the viewer. This affected elevation mosaic exports.
The elevation catalogs created from GM16 displayed properly.
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