GM v15.2 problem
Global Mapper UserTrusted User
I've just updated my basic global mapper with no add-ons (ie lidar) to 15.2 from 15.1 and it no longer works. At start up it reports:
global_mapper.exe - Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point ??0CConcatenatedTransform@CT@GeoCalc@@QAE@XZ could not be located in the dynamic link library GeoCalc_6_6.dll
I have un-installed and re-installed it but it still reports the same error.
I'm running windows XP SP2 32bit.
I've also submitted a request for support but don't know how long that will take to reach the top of the pile.
global_mapper.exe - Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point ??0CConcatenatedTransform@CT@GeoCalc@@QAE@XZ could not be located in the dynamic link library GeoCalc_6_6.dll
I have un-installed and re-installed it but it still reports the same error.
I'm running windows XP SP2 32bit.
I've also submitted a request for support but don't know how long that will take to reach the top of the pile.
Can you try getting the latest daily build and see if that fixes it? We have had some issues with some DLLs not updating with the installer, but I think we will have that fixed in new installers coming out in a day or two.
I have placed new builds with the latest changes at the links below:
Simply download the .zip file for the build that you are using and extract over your existing installation files. The likely locations to extract to are as follows:
32-bit: C:\Program Files (x86)\GlobalMapper15
64-bit: C:\Program Files\GlobalMapper15_64bit
Global Mapper Guru
Blue Marble Geographics for Coordinate Conversion, Image Reprojection and Vector Translation -
that worked!
Many thanks for the rapid solution.
Ian -
I am currently encountering this same "global_mapper.exe - Entry Point Not Found” issue when attempting to reinstall Global Mapper on a new build of my Win10 installation. The error is returned for both the 25.0 and the 25.1 build as of this morning (4/3). The links provided above by Mike no longer work.
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