Reading MB System files
Global Mapper User
I am attempting to import .MB56 files containing processed multibeam data into Global Mapper. I've had a look at the file types list and don't readily see this type. Is it possible to import these files? If not, can this be a feature for the future?
I am attempting to import .MB56 files containing processed multibeam data into Global Mapper. I've had a look at the file types list and don't readily see this type. Is it possible to import these files? If not, can this be a feature for the future?
Do you have a sample .mb56 format file? We don't currently support that format explicitly, but if it's just a simple text format you might be able to to load it with File->Open Generic ASCII Text File.
Global Mapper Guru
Blue Marble Geographics for Coordinate Conversion, Image Reprojection and Vector Translation -
Hi Mike,
Attached is a small sample file. The file sizes can be quite big at times.
MB System is a pretty well know processing system. NOAA use this for all their multibeam processing. Their web site is here.
MB-System: Mapping the Seafloor
My issue is that I am not an MB System user, but I get access to these files on a regular basis. Having the ability to read them straight into Global Mapper would be quite helpful.
The format of the files is binary, so this would require some decoding on your side if you decide to implement the feature.
Damian -
Thanks for the sample and links. I have created a todo item (#13593) for adding MB56 support. This forum thread is linked so we will post here when we add support.
Global Mapper Guru
Blue Marble Geographics for Coordinate Conversion, Image Reprojection and Vector Translation -
Is there any news on this item? I also have a lot of MB-System files here (*.mb15 files from the NOAA bathymetric data viewer site) but need to convert them all first before I can load them into GM.
This item has not been implemented yet. I will add your name to the enhancement request, since having more users request a feature helps bump up its priority, but I can't make any promises as to when it might get done.
Hello, Digging up an old thread here. I would like to add myself to the list of users requesting .mb56 support.
We are investigating implementing read support for mbsystems formats. Is there still interest in this support? Is the main goal in reading the NOAA data as a point cloud / grid?
In the meantime until this feature is implemented, here's how to convert any format of MB-system data into XYZ (example shown with .mb56 but can be used with any other MB-system extension instead):
ls *.mb56 > tmp
mbdatalist -F-1 -Itmp > LISTNAME.mb-1
mblist -ILISTNAME.mb-1 -F-1 -D3 > FILENAME.txt
Hope this helps!
Tomer -
Following up on an old thread, has a read support system for mbsystems formats been implemented? I'm trying to use NOAA Bathymetric data sets stored in .mb21, .mb41, .mb58, and .mb183 files in Global Mapper v25.0 but it seems like only .mb56 is compatible. If not, is there any way to convert the data into .mb56 files?
It looks like we just support MB56, but have an internal todo item GM-574 for supporting MB-58. I've bumped that up so we will hopefully be able to see how difficult that will be before our v26.0 release. Hopefully MB-58 (and others) are very similar to MB56 so it is simple to add support.
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