Global Mapper v26.0

Vector to Raster (Image Merge) USGS DRGs

Dan Anderson
Dan Anderson Global Mapper User
edited March 2008 in Vector Data
I'd like to be able to modify USGS DRG maps. I assume I can load a DRG then bring in some vector layers and merge (flatten all layers as some graphics programs call it). Then save to a new DRG file. I'm not expecting a "merge" command but I assume the "Export GeoTiff" command writes whatever is shown on the screen for the area specified by the export bounds setting. Correct?


  • global_mapper
    global_mapper Administrator
    edited March 2008
    That is correct, although you need to be sure to check the box to include vector data when exporting the GeoTIFF file to have the vector data be included on the new file.

    Let me know if I can be of further assistance.


    Global Mapper Support