Find sink holes

Global Mapper User
Using a LiDAR data set, can sink holes/depressions be located whereby the area can be found when the sink hole is filled to the top (right before the water spills over onto adjacent land)?
While you can't currently do that, we do have a todo item (#11211) to create filled areas where depressions had to be filled to continue the flow. I have added this thread to the task item so we should post here when we add this functionality.
Global Mapper Guru
Blue Marble Geographics for Coordinate Conversion, Image Reprojection and Vector Translation -
What would the timeline be on having this added as part of the functionality?
Thanks.global_mapper wrote: »While you can't currently do that, we do have a todo item (#11211) to create filled areas where depressions had to be filled to continue the flow. I have added this thread to the task item so we should post here when we add this functionality.
Global Mapper Guru
Blue Marble Geographics for Coordinate Conversion, Image Reprojection and Vector Translation -
It's currently scheduled for v16, which would be released in September or so. And the bug number is #9867, not #11211 as I said earlier.
Global Mapper Guru
Blue Marble Geographics for Coordinate Conversion, Image Reprojection and Vector Translation -
Resurrecting a 9 year old question. Did this ever get resolved, and how do I get to it? I'm running v24.0 (b101822) GM Pro.
It does not look like this feature was ever added, but I have added a note to it.
We have added the ability to find local peaks and depressions to the Generate Contour tool, although it finds the local min/max points and not the filled area for depressions in a water flow analysis.
For reference, this feature request number is now GM-416 in our current issue tracking system.
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