Adding Symbols to Point Data
Dan Anderson
Global Mapper User
Is it possible to add symbols (either in addition to those already available or as a replacement) for point data even if it means creating a windows font?
You can add new custom symbols from BMP and ICO files on the Point Styles tab of the Configuration dialog, then use those for displaying and point data.
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support -
Is any color transparency supported? I believe Garmin treats the color in index position 199 of a 256 color palette in bitmap images as a transparent color (if I remember correctly). -
Transparency is supported for custom symbols from icon (.ico) files, but not BMP files. Some users use software like IconEdit2 to create their .ico files (you can likely easily convert from .bmp files).
Let me know if I can be of further assistance.
Global Mapper Support -
DanDan Anderson wrote: »Is any color transparency supported? I believe Garmin treats the color in index position 199 of a 256 color palette in bitmap images as a transparent color (if I remember correctly).
If so, nothing you do in Global Mapper will have any affect on your Garmin's points. To create custom points inside your Garmin, you must use custom Types. Read Greg Riker's chapter on same in the GM manual. Easy once you understand it, less so until then.
BTW, transparency is the least of your learning curve.
Roger -
Roger Edrinn wrote: »Dan
Since you through in the word Garmin here, I suspect you want custom points displayed inside your Garmin GPSr?
If so, nothing you do in Global Mapper will have any affect on your Garmin's points. To create custom points inside your Garmin, you must use custom Types. Read Greg Riker's chapter on same in the GM manual. Easy once you understand it, less so until then.
BTW, transparency is the least of your learning curve.
My question about transparency was to determine how much work I'll have converting them for display in GM. Also I was after whether or not I'd be stuck with the symbol background being displayed instead of the background map. So it looks like I'll have to see what IconEdit2 will do for me.
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