Convert unit ground XY/lat long
I'm a little confused about the units of measurement.
For the moment, I display the coordinates of mouse in the bottom of the screen with the function "GM_GM_ConvertCoordPixelToGround". I thought this function get me X and Y ground coordinates in my projection system.
But I did research to display lat/long too and I'm not sure now.
I need to display X/Y ground coordinates and lat/long coordinates, is it possible to have both times?
Best regards,
I'm a little confused about the units of measurement.
For the moment, I display the coordinates of mouse in the bottom of the screen with the function "GM_GM_ConvertCoordPixelToGround". I thought this function get me X and Y ground coordinates in my projection system.
But I did research to display lat/long too and I'm not sure now.
I need to display X/Y ground coordinates and lat/long coordinates, is it possible to have both times?
Best regards,
Yes, use GM_ConvertCoordPixelToGround to get the coordinates in your current projection, then use GM_ProjectPoint to project that ground location to a Geographic (lat/lon) projection.
Global Mapper Guru
Blue Marble Geographics for Coordinate Conversion, Image Reprojection and Vector Translation -
How can I have a display with x° y' z" N, a° b' c" E ?
Best regards,
Tristan -
I found how convert arc degrees in degrees minutes seconds, sorry for the previous post.
Tristan -
I don't know how to know if my value in degree, minute, second is North or South for longitude and East or West for latitude.
I convert from pixel to "mercator WGS84 meters" and this to "Geographic (lat/long) WGS84 arc degrees". I modify this last to have the format degree, minute, second but I don't know if it's North or South and East or West.
Best regards,
Tristan -
If your longitude/X is negative it is West, if it's positive it's East. For latitude/Y, negative is South, positive is North.
Global Mapper Guru
Blue Marble Geographics for Coordinate Conversion, Image Reprojection and Vector Translation
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