GM Script Language
A place to discuss the powerful GM script feature that allows the user to create custom batch processes that make use of the functionality built in to Global Mapper. From a script, one can import data in any of the numerous formats supported by the software, reproject that data if desired, and export it to a new file.
Category List
Have you developed a GM script you would like to share with others? You can upload and describe your script here.54 discussions 97 comments Most recent: How do I change "PROJ_NAME" to "AMG55" in ECW metadata from "MGA55"? by kaichand989 April 25
Discussion List
- 12.8K All Categories
- 5.7K Features Discussion
- 345 Downloading Imagery
- 1.3K Elevation Data
- 385 Georeferencing Imagery Discussion
- 636 GM Script Language
- 54 User Scripts
- 114 GPS Features
- 417 Projection Questions
- 826 Raster Data
- 1.3K Vector Data
- 6.6K Support
- 178 Announcement and News
- 913 Bug Report
- 558 SDK
- 1.2K Suggestion Box
- 3.7K Technical Support
- 569 Other Discussion
- 131 GIS Data Sources
- 27 Global Mapper Showcase
- 238 How I use Global Mapper
- 107 Global Mapper Forum Website
Popular Tags
- elevation data 124
- lidar 116
- scripting 100
- GM Script 91
- export 85
- DEM 67
- raster 61
- Global Mapper 55
- elevation grid 55
- projection 54
- vector data 53
- 3D 45
- export raster 44
- geotiffs 39
- path profile 29
- kmz 28
- 3D view 28
- import 28
- attributes 27
- shapefile 27
- lidar module 26
- contours 26
- Point Cloud 24
- bug 23