Features Discussion
Category List
Questions about using elevation data; exporting, importing, converting, etc.
385 discussions 421 comments Most recent: How to add an image without deforming it? (Preserve Scaling) by XionicFire July 25
A place to discuss the powerful GM script feature that allows the user to create custom batch processes that make use of the functionality built in to Global Mapper. From a script, one can import data in any of the numerous formats supported by the software, reproject that data if desired, and export it to a new file.639 discussions 1.9K comments Most recent: Native Scripting Language - Select and Delete features from a Layer by gghiggini November 21
Have you developed a GM script you would like to share with others? You can upload and describe your script here.54 discussions 97 comments Most recent: How do I change "PROJ_NAME" to "AMG55" in ECW metadata from "MGA55"? by kaichand989 April 25
Discuss GPS tracking, GPS intergration and other aspects of using GPS with Global Mapper
417 discussions 1.1K comments Most recent: Can't find this projection in GM drop down list by Cintos September 23
Post your questions here about how to use Raster data. Importing, Exporting, Converting, reprojecting, etc.
Topics about importing, exporting and using vector (shp, dxf, dgn, etc.) data1.3K discussions 4.4K comments Most recent: Shifting points along a trajectory by tikhpetr November 25
Discussion List
- 12.8K All Categories
- 5.7K Features Discussion
- 345 Downloading Imagery
- 1.3K Elevation Data
- 385 Georeferencing Imagery Discussion
- 639 GM Script Language
- 54 User Scripts
- 115 GPS Features
- 417 Projection Questions
- 827 Raster Data
- 1.3K Vector Data
- 6.6K Support
- 178 Announcement and News
- 918 Bug Report
- 558 SDK
- 1.2K Suggestion Box
- 3.7K Technical Support
- 570 Other Discussion
- 131 GIS Data Sources
- 27 Global Mapper Showcase
- 239 How I use Global Mapper
- 107 Global Mapper Forum Website
Popular Tags
- elevation data 125
- lidar 118
- scripting 101
- GM Script 91
- export 85
- DEM 67
- raster 61
- Global Mapper 55
- elevation grid 55
- projection 54
- vector data 53
- 3D 45
- export raster 44
- geotiffs 39
- kmz 30
- path profile 29
- import 28
- 3D view 28
- attributes 27
- shapefile 27
- contours 26
- lidar module 26
- Point Cloud 25
- bug 23